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One of the best ways to get connected here

at Global Evangelical Church is through serving God and His people. 


One of the best ways you can get connected and build a strong relationship with fellow believers at Global Evangelical Church is by joining a ministry. 

We have volunteer opportunities during all of our services.

From our Sunday School ministry, worship team, guest services and ushering team to our Audio Visual team, there is a place for everyone to serve God. 


Worship Team

Build the body of Christ and draw people into worshiping God and also place greater importance on serving others.


Audio Visual Team

Take part in the responsibility to lead people in worship through the use of audio and visual technologies.


Ushering Team

Be a tremendous force in setting the tone for worship and helping to prepare the people to hear and respond to the Word of God.

Children's Minitry

Instilling Love for God in the Hearts of Children. God invites us to teach and impress His love and truth upon children.

We believe God gives children the ability and desire to deeply experience His love and presence.


Married Ministry

Marriage is one of the most intimate and significant relationships we share, besides our relationship with God. Our marriage ministry exists to help couples cultivate a healthy, lifelong marriage while intentionally growing in their love for God and each other.

Whether your marriage is struggling or thriving, we want to help your marriage become all that God designed it to be.


Men's Ministry

Global Evangelical Church Men's Association was started by Mr. Ssempebwa Mubiru Godfrey in 2003 after God spoke to him, to mentor men. 

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